~ SHOP NEW ARRIVAL HERE ~ FREE SHIPPING for purchase over RM150 (West Msia) and RM180 (East Msia). Shop Now!
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We ship via PosLaju or Pgeon. Parcel will be shipped within 5 working days after successful payment.

Within Malaysia:

West Malaysia RM7 (1-2 Working Days)

East Malaysia RM9 (2-3 Working Days)

Free shipping for purchase over RM150 for West Malaysia and RM180 for East Malaysia.

We ship to below country too:

Singapore - First 8 items, RM50. Every additional 8 items, RM30 - 4 to 10 working days

* Please contact us if you are not receiving your parcel within 5 days after we ship out your parcel. 

* Your parcel will be kept in POSLAJU office for 7 days after unsuccessful delivery. You may arrange second delivery with POSLAJU (call 1-300-300-300) or pickup your parcel at your nearest POSLAJU office.

* After 7 days, non-pickup parcel will be return to us, and customer will need to pay RM5 shipping fees for second shipping after parcel returned to us due to unsuccessful delivery.

* For order with RESTOCK item, parcel will be on-hold and shipped once the RESTOCK item is available, around the provided ETA date.